Oral Presentations: Your presentation should clearly describe motivation and methodology of your research as well as novel results and their significance. A Windows computer and an LCD projector are available at the conference with Power Point and Adobe Reader installed. Please inform the organizers by September 1, 2023 if you need any special equipment. The presentation time limit is:
- 25 min for invited papers (plus 5 min discussion)
- 15 min for regular papers (plus 5 min discussion)
- 10 min for post-deadline papers (plus 5 min discussion)
To avoid delays during your session, please upload your presentation file to the conference computer before the session begins. Please use your paper number as file name, e.g., TuA7.ppt.
Posters must be attached to the assigned poster board before your poster session starts. Our poster space can fit an A0 format poster in vertical (width 84 cm, height 118 cm), push pins are being provided. Poster authors are required to present a brief oral summary in the Poster Preview Session (one slide). During the poster session, presenters must be available for discussion at their poster. Outstanding posters will be selected for our BEST POSTER AWARD. Posters should be removed after the Monday poster session; any poster left will be discarded.
Registration Policy: You are required to register before 1 September 2023 (a reduced registration fee is applied if you register before 15 July 2023) and to present your paper at the conference. If you are unable to personally attend the conference, please name a replacement speaker or poster presenter (e-mail to info(at)nusod.net). Papers without registered presenter will be automatically removed from the program and from the proceedings. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from IEEExplore if the paper is not presented at the conference.
Journal Publication: All authors will have the opportunity to publish expanded versions of their NUSOD 2023 paper in IEEE Photonics Journal (indexed by SCI and Inspec). The online submission will open on October 1, 2023; the deadline is December 1, 2023. The guest editors of this special issue are Prof. Frédéric Grillot (Télécom Paris, France), Dr. Masahiko Matsubara (Boston University, United States of America), Dr. Cristina Rimoldi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), and Prof. Xie Zhang (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China).