Invited speakers – Turin 2023

  • Enrico Bellotti, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University (US)
    “Curved focal-plane arrays”
  • Mikkel Heuck, Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) (DK)
    “Design of Modular Multimode Cavities”
  • Thomas Koprucki, ‎Weierstraß-Institut Berlin (DE)
    “Building research data infrastructures for mathematical modeling and numerical simulation”
  • Alessandro Pecchia, CNR-ISMN (IT)
  • Salah Obayya, University of Science and Technology, Zewail City of Science and Technology (EG)
    “Stabilized Finite Element Bidirectional Beam Propagation Method for Plasmonics”
  • Stefan Schulz, Tyndall National Institute (IE)
    “Investigating radiative and Auger recombination in III-N heterostructures”
  • Dominic Waldhoer, Institute for Microelectronics, Technische Universität Wien (TUW) (AT)