| IEEE/LEOS International Conference on
Numerical Simulation of
Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices
October 13-16, 2003
Place: Komaba Campus, the University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
The NUSOD conference intends to build new bridges between theoretical research and practical device development in optoelectronics. Papers are solicited on the modeling, simulation, and analysis of semiconductor optoelectronic devices such as laser diodes, light emitting diodes, optical modulators, optical amplifiers, and photodetectors, includig material properties and system applications. Researchers, software developers, and device engineers are invited to discuss the development and the application of advanced numerical tools that combine semiconductor electronics and photonics.
Organized by RCAST/U-Tokyo. Technical co-sponsor IEEE/LEOS
Deadline for submission of Post-deadline Paper | September 15 2003 |
For more information,
check http://www.nusod.org/
Last update: May 12 2003
Created and Maintained by: webmaster |
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