Final Conference Program
(click on paper number to download PDF slides, if available)
Location: Trabant Center, Multipurpose Room A&B (conference map)
Registration Desk open 10:00 - 14:00
10:30-12:30 Short Course (separate registration required)
SC0701 Introduction to Optoelectronic Device Simulation [abstract]
Joachim Piprek (NUSOD Institute, USA)
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 13:35 Opening Remarks
13:35-15:25 Novel Materials (Chair: Ben Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology)
MA1 Low refractive index films: A new class of optical thin film materials for optoelectronic applications (invited) Jong Kyu Kim and E. Fred Schubert, Rensselaer Polytech. Inst., Troy, NY
MA2 Hot Carrier Dynamics and Coherent Effects in GaN under Short Laser Pulse Excitation; S. Rudin (1), E. Bellotti (2), G. A. Garrett (1), and M. Wraback (1); (1) US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD; (2) Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Boston University, Boston, MA
MA3 Simulations of 2D Maxwell-Bloch equations
Jingyi Xiong (1), Max Colice (1), Friso Schlottau (1), Kelvin Wagner (1) and Bengt Fornberg (2); (1) Optoelectronic Computing Systems Center, Dept of ECE, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; (2) Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
MA4 Near and far field observation of optical confinement in non-destructive fabricated organic photonic dots.
Maik Langner, Robert Gehlhaar, Clemens Schriever, Hartmut Froeb, Vadim G. Lyssenko and Karl Leo; Institut for Applied Photophysics, Techn. Univ. Dresden, Germany
MA5 DNA-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes as Potential Optoelectronic Materials
Stacy E. Snyder and Slava V. Rotkin; Physics Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
15:25-15:45 Afternoon Break
15:45-17:35 Laser Diodes I (Chair: Uwe Bandelow, WIAS Berlin, Germany)
MB1 Simulation and optimization of high-power semiconductor lasers and modules (invited) ; Nicolai Matuschek, Bookham, Switzerland
MB2 Thermal lensing in high–power ridge–waveguide lasers
Hans Wenzel, M. Dallmer and G. Erbert;
Ferdinand–Braun–Inst., Berlin,
MB3 Thermal Boundary Resistance in Optoelectronic Devices
R. MacKenzie, J.J. Lim, S. Bull, S. Sujecki and E.C. Larkins;
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Nottingham, U.K.
MB4 Design and optimization of a GaAs-based sub-7-micron
quantum cascade laser based on multivalley Monte
Carlo simulation;
X. Gao, M. D’Souza, D. Botez, and I. Knezevic;
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
MB5 Thermal performance investigation of DQW GaInNAs laser diodes
J.J. Lim (1), R. MacKenzie (1), S. Sujecki (1), M. Sadeghi (2), S.M. Wang (2), Y.Q. Wei (2) and A. Larsson (2),
P. Melanen (3), P. Uusimaa (3), A.A. George (4), P.M. Smowton (4) and E.C. Larkins (1); (1) The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, U.K. ; (2) Photonics Laboratory, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden; (3) Modulight Inc., Tampere, Finland; (4) Cardiff School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University, Cardiff, U.K.
18:00 - 20:00 Conference Reception (Clayton Hall Lobby)
Registration Desk open 8:30 - 10:30
09:00-10:10 Light-Emitting Diodes (Chair: Doug Yoder, Georgia Institute of Technology)
TuA1 Quantitative modelling of resonant photoluminescence in InGaN single-quantum-well LED structures (invited); Matthias Sabathil, A. Laubsch, and N. Linder, OSRAM, Germany
TuA2 Coupled Modeling of Current Spreading, Thermal Effects, and Light Extraction in III-Nitride Light-Emitting Diodes; M. V. Bogdanov, K. A. Bulashevich, I. Yu. Evstratov, and S. Yu. Karpov; STR, Inc., Richmond, VA
TuA3 Enhanced light extraction from textured surfaces with sub-wavelength size features: beyond the ray tracing approximation; S. Riyopoulos, SAIC, McLean, VA
10:10-10:30 Morning Break
10:30-12:00 Nanostructures I (Chair: Stanko Tomic, CCLRC Daresbury Lab, U.K. )
TuB1 Trends and Challenges in Silicon Nanophotonics (invited)
Michael Hochberg, University of Washington and California Institute of Technology
TuB2 Design of unidirectional subwavelength slit coupler for THz surface plasmons; Qiaoqiang Gan, Zhan Fu, Yujie J. Ding, Filbert J. Bartoli; Center for Optical Technologies, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
TuB3 Optical Waves Transmission Raised by Localized Surface Plasmons
S. C. Chen (1), K. P. Chiu (2) and D. P. Tsai (2); (1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Far East College, Taiwan, R.O.C.; (2) Dept. of Phys., Center of Nanostorage Research, National Taiwan University, R.O.C.
TuB4 Intersubband Antipolariton: A New Quasiparticle
M.F. Pereira, Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, U.K.
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:00 Poster Preview Session (Chair: Joachim Piprek, NUSOD Institute)
2-minute 2-slide oral presentation by each poster author.
14:00-15:40 Poster Session
TuP2 White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Dual Partial Dye Doping
Jongwoon Park( a), Seounghwan Park (b), Bumho Choi (a), and Jongho Lee (a);
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Gwangju, South Korea;
(b) Catholic University of Daegu, Gyeongsan, South Korea
TuP3 Two-Dimension Simulation of Gallium Nitride-Based Laser Diode
X. Jin (1), B. Zhang (2), S. Jobe (1), J. DeLeon (1), J. Flickinger (1), T. Dai (2) G. Zhang (2), E. Heller (3), and L. Chen (3); (1) California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA ; (2) Peking University, Beijing, China; (3) RSoft Design Group, Inc, Ossining, NY
TuP7 Gallium Arsenide Photodiode Simulation
J. Flickinger (1), X. Jin (1), E. Heller (2) and L. Chen (2); (1) California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA ; (2) RSoft Design Group, Inc, Ossining, NY
TuP8 Monte Carlo Simulation of Excess Noise in Heterojunction Avalanche Photodetector ; A. Gosh and K. K. Gosh, Centre for Sience Education and Research, Calcutta, India
TuP9 Modeling and Simulation of GaN/AlGaN Laser and Temperature Dependent Analysis of Physical Parameters; S. A. Gaikwad, D. S. Patil and D. K. Gautam, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, India
TuP11 Three-Dimensional VCSEL Simulation Using Vector Finite Elements
Peter Nyakas, Furukawa Electric Institute of Technology, Budapest, Hungary
TuP12 Simulation of quantum wells with ‘spikes’ and ‘dips’
Antti Laakso, Mihail Dumitrescu, Lauri Toikkanen, Antti Tukiainen, Ville Rimpiläinen and Markus Pessa;
ORC, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland
TuP13 Finite difference time domain analysis for measuring transmission and reflection coefficients in negative index materials; Jae-Hong Park and Iam-Choon Khoo; Department of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
TuP14 Nitride Band-Structure Model in a Quantum Well Laser Simulator
Anusha Venkatachalam, Paul. D. Yoder, Benjamin Klein and Aditya Kulkarni, Georgia Institute of Technology, Savannah, GA
TuP15 A Simple Iterative Model for Oxide-Confined VCSELs
Hsueh-hua Chuang (1), James R. Biard (2), Jim Guenter (2), Ralph Johnson (2), and Gary A. Evans (1);
(1) Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX; (2) Finisar, Allen, TX
TuP16 Two Dimensional Modeling of Interdigitated Back Contact Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells; Meijun Lu (1,2), Stuart Bowden (1) and Robert Birkmire (1,2); (1) Institute of Energy Conversion, University of Delaware, Newark, DE ; (2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
TuP17 Stretched input-output characteristic in inhomogeneously broadened lasing system; S.I. Hintschich, M. Langner, H. Gothe, V.G. Lyssenko, H. Fröb, and K. Leo; Institute of Applied Photophysics, Techn. Univ., Dresden, Germany
15:40-16:00 Afternoon Break
16:00-18:00 Short Course (separate registration required)
SC0702 Semiconductor Laser Dynamics and Instabilities [abstract]
Uwe Bandelow, WIAS Institute, Germany
Registration Desk open 9:00 -10:30
09:30-10:10 Novel Devices (Chair: Mauro Pereira, Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. )
WA1 (moved to Thursday 8:30)
WA3 Simulation of Photodetection Using FDTD Method with Application to Near-Field Subwavelength Imaging Based on Nanoscale Semiconductor Photodetector Array; Ki Young Kim, Yingyan Huang, Boyang Liu, and Seng-Tiong Ho; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
WA4 Detailed Numerical Modeling of a Novel Infrared Single Photon Detector for λ > 1μm; O.G. Memis, W. Wu, D. Dey, A. Katsnelson and H. Mohseni; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
10:10-10:30 Morning Break
10:30-12:10 Laser Diodes II (Chair: Hans Wenzel, Ferdinand Braun Institute, Germany)
WB1 Full Wave Electromagnetics for Simulating Terahertz Quantum Well Laser Diode Modulation; Matt Grupen (1), Paul Sotirelis (1), Steve Wong (1), John Albrecht (2), Robert Bedford (2), Sarah Maley (2),
Tom Nelson (2), Bill Siskaninetz (2) ; (1) High Performance Technologies, Inc.,
Reston, VA; (2)
US Air Force Research Lab, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
WB2 Large-Signal Modeling on Device Level: Intermodulation Distortion and Eye-Diagrams of Semiconductor Lasers; Stefan Odermatt (1), Bernd Witzigmann (2), and Bernhard Schmithuesen (1); (1) Synopsys Switzerland LLC, Zurich, Switzerland; (2) ETH Zurich, Switzerland
WB3 Optical Gain Analysis of Strain Compensated InGaN–AlGaN Quantum Well Active Regions for Lasers Emitting at 420-500 nm;
Hongping Zhao, Ronald A. Arif, Yik-Khoon Ee, and Nelson Tansu; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
WB5 The Effect of Gain-Coupling on Mode Beatings in Weakly Coupled Two-Section DFB Lasers; M. Al-Mumin, College of Technological Studies, Shuwaikh, Kuwait
WB6 Time-domain simulation of semiconductor laser light with correlated amplitude and phase noise; D. Lasaosa, M. Vega-Leal, and C. Fananas; Public Univ. of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
12:10-13:50 Lunch Break
13:50-15:40 Photodetectors and Solar Cells (Chair: Bernd Witzigmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
WC1 High-speed photodetection exploiting quasi-unipolar charge transport (invited) ; Douglas Yoder, Georgia Institute of Technology, Savannah, GA
WC2 Theory and Modelling of High-Field Carrier Transport in High-Speed Photodetectors; N.A. Zakhleniuk; ESE Department, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex, U.K.
WC3 Characterization and Optimization of InGaAs/InP Photodiodes with High Saturation Current; Huapu Pan, Xin Wang, Andreas Beling, Hao Chen, and J. C. Campbell; Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
WC4 Electronic structure of QD arrays: Application to intermediate-band solar cells; S. Tomic (a), N. M. Harrison (a;b), and T.S. Jones (c); (a) STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Cheshire, U.K.; (b) Department of Chemistry, Imperial College, London, U.K.; (c) Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K.
WC5 Existence of bounded discrete steady state solutions of the van Roosbroeck system on boundary conforming Delaunay grids;
K. Gaertner, WIAS Institute, Berlin, Germany
15:40 - 16:00 Afternoon Break
16:00-18:00 Short Course (separate registration required)
SC0703 Photonic Crystal Devices and Integrated Circuits [abstract]
Ahmed Sharkawy, EM Photonics, Newark, DE
18:30-20:30 Conference Dinner (Blue & Gold Club)
Registration Desk open 8:00 - 8:30
08:30-10:20 Nanostructures II (Chair: Spilios Riyopoulos, SAIC)
WA1 Features of light to current transformations in organic devices (invited)
Ajay K. Panday (1) and Jean-Michel Nunzi (2); (1) University of St. Andrews, U.K. , (2) Queen's University, Canada
ThA1 Design issues of 1.55 um emitting GaInNAs quantum dots
Stanko Tomic;
STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Cheshire, U.K.
ThA2 Dynamical Model for Coherent Optical Control of a Single Confined Spin; G. Slavcheva, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.
ThA3 Simulation of Derivative Characteristics of Broadband Quantum Dot Lasers; C. L. Tan, Y. Wang, H. S. Djie, B. S. Ooi; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
ThA4 Dynamical Semiconductor Medium FDTD Simulation of Current-Injection Nanophotonic Devices; Yingyan Huang and Seng-Tiong Ho; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
10:20-10:40 Morning Break
10:40-12:40 Photonic Circuits and Fiber Optics (Chair: Mohammed Al-Mumin, College of Technological Studies, Kuwait)
ThB1 Numerical Analysis of Four-Wave Mixing between 2 ps mode-locked laser pulses in a Tensile-Strained Bulk SOA;
Michael J. Connelly (a), Liam P. Barry (b), Brendan F. Kennedy (c) and Douglas A. Reid (b); (a) University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; (b) Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland; (c) Universidad de Santiago, Chile
ThB2 Simulation of Static Optical XPM in Active MMI Couplers
Salah Ibrahim, Xueliang Song, Masakazu Sugiyama and Yoshiaki Nakano;
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, Japan
ThB3 Gain-Power Trade-Off in Low-Confinement Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers; Paul W. Juodawlkis and Jason J. Plant;Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, MA
ThB4 Non-Raman redshift by pulse splitting
Ayhan Demircan(1), Marcel Kroh (2), Monika Pietrzyk (1), Bernd Huttl (3) and Uwe Bandelow(1); (1) WIAS Institutes, Berlin, Germany;
(2) u2t Photonics AG, Berlin, Germany; (3) Heinrich-Hertz-Institute, Berlin, Germany
ThB5 Designing of EDFA with Inherently Low Transient Response for Optical Packet with Variable Condition of Traffic on WDM Environment; Yoshinari Awaji (1), Hideaki Furukawa (1), Naoya Wada (1), Eddie Kong (2), Peter Chan (2), Ray Man (2); (1) National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Tokyo, Japan; (2) Amonics Ltd., Kowloon, Hong Kong
ThB6 Accelerated Simulators for Nano-Photonic Devices
Daniel K. Price, John R. Humphrey, and Eric J. Kelmelis; EM Photonics, Newark, DE
12:40-13:40 Lunch Break
13:40-14:40Postdeadline Session
(Chair: Michael Connelly, University of Limerick, Ireland)
ThPD1 Theoretical Simulation and Experimental Demonstration of Field Concentration in Gold Photonic Band Gap Materials; Shawn-Yu Lin and Allan S.P. Chang,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
ThPD2 A Comparison of Optical Modulator Structures Using a Matrix Simulation Approach;
Kjersti Kleven and Scott T. Dunham, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
ThPD4 All-Optical Encryption System Employing XOR Logic Operations by Using XGM in SOAs;
Young Jin Jung (1), Chang Wan Son (2), Seok Lee (2), Sang-Kun Gil (3), Hyung Seok Kim (4) and Namkyoo Park (1); (1) Seoul Nati’l Univ. (2) Korea Institute of Science and Technology, (3) Suwon University, (4) Sejong University; all: South Korea
ThPD5 Electro-optic Dendrimer based Terahertz Waveguide
Anis Rahman; Applied Research & Photonics Inc. , Harrisburg, PA
14:40 - 15:00 Best Student Paper Award Presentation and Closing Remarks
The following post-conference software workshop is organized by an exhibiting company:
15:30-18:30 Crosslight Software Workshop (separate registration required)